
Psych Safety

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Next Dates

Psychological safety

The next courses for training to become a Psych Safety Practitioner are coming. The dates have now been set. Since each course has limited contingents available, a quick reservation is an advantage to secure a place.


10 participants




Fearless Organization

Finally available in German

Germany partner of the Fearless Organization

The DevOrg Institute is the German partner of the Fearless Organization for the topic of Psych Safety and the training of “The Fearless Organization Practitioner”

Secure your place as a Psychological Psych Safety Practitioner now


Secure a place now for the next course to become "The Fearless Organization Psych Safety Practitioner" with the reservation code FEARLESS 2024

What makes us special!

A choice that makes a difference.

Practical experience

All our trainers have extensive practical experience instead of just theoretical knowledge.


Trainers and course material in German or English - the choice is yours.

Face-to-face training

For complex content in new groups, we prefer face-to-face training for simple content online sessions.

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Unverbindliche Anfrage

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Non-binding inquiry

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Enquire about prices or addresses of venues without obligation