Harald Mansmann

Director's Welcome

"If you don't have the time to learn today, you won't have learned to have time tomorrow.

We founded the DevOrg Institute to help organizations change the way people interact together, free of all dogmas. Where we succeed in this, people do not work together more productively, but more satisfied, safer and more collaborative. It's the difference between a group of people working together under a departmental designation and a real team where everyone feels safe.

I know they can do it on their own, but they don't have to."

Benefits Of Learning

Career improvement

Whoever does what they can always remains who they are.

Increase your own knowledge

There is no substitute for knowledge, except more knowledge.

Increase professionalism

Development always takes place outside the comfort zone.

How do we differ from others?

A choice that makes the difference.

Agile or classic

The methods used must always suit the people instead of being imposed on an organization. It doesn't matter whether you proceed with agile or classic methods, improvement is neither agile nor classic.

Methodological competence and practical experience

The key to success is not a method for the sake of a method, but theory adapted from practical experience. All that is good, more of it. Anything that's not good, less of it.

Humble Consulting

Helping our customers is our greatest motivation, which is why we are not afraid to say the uncomfortable. We reject dogmatic thinking. Just because you have a hammer doesn't make every problem a nail.

Never separate a person from the consequences of their actions, not even yourself.

Harald Mansmann, Founder

Take us at our word

Put us to the test. Get in touch with us and experience from the very first moment that we are "different".